Moments of Fatherhood

Moments of Fatherhood 

I always wanted to be a dad. So when Caroline told me she was pregnant, I was ecstatic. That was when fatherhood began for me, at least that’s when I first felt the responsibility and weight of fatherhood.
Elliot's Birthday

Elliot is Oh-Fish-Ally One!

Elliot’s first birthday came quickly. It seems like just yesterday that we were escorted out of the hospital with a baby less than 48 hours old before the “storm of the century” was supposed to hit.

Gumbo, It’s What’s for Dinner

The last few weeks have been chaotic. We no longer have tenants, I got a new job, we all got COVID and recovered, the Cincinnati Bengals are going to the Super Bowl, and Elliot is almost a year old! Through it all, we’ve tried to keep things as normal as we could, but home cooking has been put on the backburner.
Elliot is 10 Months Old

Elliot is 10 Months Old!

Our little dude is 10 months old! That statement is crazy to me. He has grown so much over that time and Lilly has grown into a great big sister.
Seven Items in our Cold and Flu Tool Kit

Seven Items in our Cold and Flu Tool Kit

Sometimes as a parent you can’t smell the roses. Sometimes it’s because you’re running around like a chicken with your head cut off trying to make sure the kids stay happy, healthy, and don’t murder each other. Other times it’s because the children gave you a cold and you literally can’t smell anything.