Seven Items in our Cold and Flu Tool Kit

Seven Items in our Cold and Flu Tool Kit

Sometimes as a parent you can’t smell the roses. Sometimes it’s because you’re running around like a chicken with your head cut off trying to make sure the kids stay happy, healthy, and don’t murder each other. Other times it’s because the children gave you a cold and you literally can’t smell anything.
Baby Items

Essential Baby Items — Recommendations from a Mom of Two

Hillary asked some questions about registries and what items I recommended. I looked around our house to see what things we used on a regular basis. As it turns out, our kids use a LOT of stuff and our house is pretty full. Here’s my two cents on the essential items that you need for your new baby.
Elliot’s Nursery: It’s Finally Finished

Elliot’s Nursery: It’s Finally Finished

When you’re pregnant with your first child, you fixate on their nursery. What theme is it going to be? What decorations do you need to get? Is this glider nice enough? How many wipes can I fit into this wipe warmer? Then soon after the kid arrives you realized that these things mostly collect dust, get pooped, or puked on.
I Am Your Father

I Am Your Father

According to the mug that my wife recently purchased for me (that is 100% exclusive and is NOT available at your local Target or Walmart) I am a “super dad”.
Elliot’s “New” Room

Elliot’s “New” Room

ith a three-bedroom house, we had a hard decision to make when we found out we were pregnant with baby number two. Where would we put the children? Would Lilly stay in her bedroom? Would we update the third bedroom (AKA Joe's office) to be her new room?