Joe Brings the Dad Jokes to Truth, Beer, and Podsequences

Dad Jokes

Joe recently appeared as a guest on Truth, Beer, and Podsequences, a local podcast that recaps Cincinnati-based beer podcasts with their own spin on the truth. In this week’s episode, Joe brought the DAD jokes and they were so good that they killed the power at BC’s Bottle Lodge Montgomery. He apologizes for nothing.

Check out the full episode below to hear all about amazing food and food trucks, holes of all kinds, what does and doesn’t make a term of endearment, having your Shift Beers a BC’s, and more! Make sure to subscribe to Truth, Beer, and Podsequences on your favorite podcast platform and follow them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

This episode covers the following podcasts: 

  • Brew Skies Happy Hour – Ep 6 – Charlie Papazian – The Johnny Appleseed of Beer
  • Craft Parenting Podcast – Ep 63.5 – The One With the Gose Beers
  • Shift Beers – Ep 85 – Holy BC’s Batman!
  • Cincy Brewcast – Drinking Beers with QCMFTA
  • Hustle and Brews – Ep 19 – Panda Trading Co, Dope, Decibel – Kam Siu

Previous appearances on Truth, Beer, and Podsequences by Joe and Caroline:


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